
Tag: event

The Story of Ferguson through the Eyes of the People Who Lived it

By the time we wrapped our last shooting day, we had collected over 300 hours of footage. Lungs shouted for justice and moments later filled with teargas. A father baked...

“A Huge Historical Project”: Editor Kim Miille on Tell Them We Are Rising

MacArthur Fellow Stanley Nelson has devoted his career to documentary explorations of the African American experience. The 65-year-old director/producer has made films on Marcus Garvey, the Freedom Riders and the...

“We Don’t Use Words to Tell a Story”: Directors Lily Baldwin

We don’t use words to tell a story. We use bodies, gestures, dance, color, music and sound as tools. Inherently with this, there is room for interpretation about what the...

Cate Outstripped Us All with Her Immeasurable Enthusiasm

Manifesto was originally planned as a 13-screen installation for the art context. And so it is touring museums and art festivals now. But I also got some funding from a...